Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Big plans, guys... HUGE plans

So many things to say and be excited about!

(1) I'm more than halfway through my latest knitting project, "Age of Brass and Steam", which is so fun and easy that I decided to make one for my Pants! I took her to Michael's to get yarn for it today. Unfortunately, the selection was super lame. Next time, I'm dragging her out to Babetta's for actual yarn. And this weekend I should be starting the Stephen West mystery shawl. Double excitement!

(2) I was able to link my lj to my blogger, so I can post via blogger - but still participate in the glory of fandom whenever I want. Sometimes I'm tech-savvy.... or at least, I google things until easy directions make me appear tech-savvy.

(3) I watched the first episode of Supernatural Season 4 last night. I'm working my way up to posting initial thoughts. Mostly they revolve around: a) Really? That's it? and b) CASTIEL!!!!

(4) I've decided that once GAKS starts their way through Angel, I may start an episode-by-episode review of that along with them. And possibly think about Buffy, also. Thing is - as interesting as I find both shows, Angel gives me so much more of an English-major-boner. Really. It makes me mad in a delicious way. Buffy... I love it the same way, only less so - I guess. I don't know. Maybe I'm just making up excuses...

(5) Twin Peaks is amazing... and I will start analyzing it soon. I'm still in a total WTF JUST HAPPENED?!?!?! mood about the whole thing. So I'll start up... soon.

(6) I'm about 6 episodes into the 2005 Dr. Who and... am still waiting to get the bug. I know it's coming, but I'm still waiting for it. I'm sure I'll have thoughts about it eventually.

(6) Two unrelated events:
a) My dad drove through and, after buying me a NOOK, promised to send me mp3s of all RUSH everything
b) Pants! was discussing doing an analysis of a song to start up her new blogger account, which I found totes inspiring and exciting

And so, ladies and gents, as soon as I get those mp3s from my dad (though I realize that grooveshark is available, I like to actually have better access to things) I'm going to start analyzing each song in date order. Though - only Pert's lyrics. As much as I just want to eat up the first album, let's face it - the lyrics are not even in Pert's league.

I'm super excited about this idea. It gets me out of fandom a bit, but that's kinda good for me - I burn out quick. And - I hope Pants! doesn't mind that I stole her idea, but I've been wanting to do something with RUSH for over 10 years... here's my moment!

And now it's time for bed... I didn't knit nearly enough today and feel slightly guilty about it. Here's hopin' tomorrow is more productive in that department.

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