I was so blown away with episode one that I actually forgot, last weekend, that I hadn't done a write up of the entire first disk. Which was awesome. Today I watched the first two episodes of the second disk. Ugh.... okay I'll wax poetics of the first disk to begin with.
- 4.2 Are you there God? It's me... Dean Winchester...Rating: 4/5
I honestly enjoyed this episode immensely. We've dealt with the idea that the Winchester boys can't save everyone, but actually addressing the host bodies that demons take over, was nice to finally s and well done. Each character has their own ... issues to deal with. It was nice to include Bobby in on the angst, and to give equal weight to each boy - though Sam didn't seem as beat up about everything as Dean did. (Which seems to be a theme going here.)
Can I just say - right here, right now - Castiel FRACKIN ROCKS. There's no getting around it. I'm tired of the Dean&Sam show - Kelpy wants more Dean&Castiel. The semi-erotic tension between the two of them in the kitchen - holy crap priceless! I loved it. I want more. More more more. And not just with the heavy homoeroticism, but just more. Someone needs to lift Dean out of his funk, and Castiel is the man to do it.
Also, it was great to get the introduction of the big-bad's series plot already. The seals and the badness? Great way to keep the "monster-of-the-week" episodes going, but incorporate them into the main plot. Nice.
Lesson learned: Castiel's the boss.
- 4.3 In the BeginningRating: 10/5
No really - ten out of five. I've been waiting for the story on the mom since day one, now it's finally here, and it's awesome! I love that Dean now has guilt - and that Castiel set him up to feel partly responsible for what happened. And god the mom is SO much more interesting than John. No offense to John, but these boys would have been much better off with the mother. There's now officially no doubt about that... though there's never been much doubt, but it's all erased and I'm glad. Everything was awesome. I am pleased. BIG BONUS: no Sam in this episode. Love.
Lesson learned: Fate can't be broken, even with an angel on your shoulder.
- 4.4 MetamorphosisRating: 4/5
As much as I love Dean, it does irritate me that he is so quick to accept Sam's powers are evil. Mind exorcism = kick ass. This whole episode was a mess, but in a good way. The Winchesters are finally having to face up to the idea that being on the "good" side does not necessarily mean that they kill everything that isn't 100% human... oh wait, we've been dealing with this for a long while. Bonus points for the wife being Micah from Warehouse 13 and bonus points for everything going to hell.
Lesson learned: Isn't funny how the "good" guys can push innocent people over the edge, into darkness?
- 4.5 Monster Movie and 4.6 Yellow FeverCollective Rating: 3/5
Not thrilled. Honestly. I thought big, nice things were coming because Roomie insisted that Yellow Fever is her absolute favorite episode. Let me just get off my chest now: it pissed me off.
Monster Movie: Cute. But we lost sight of the big picture. Nice to see Dean get some things off his chest to someone who will actual listen (yes, that is a barb at the fact that Sam is clueless).
Yellow Fever: Pissed. Me. Off. Straight up. I felt like we're back in early S3. (1) Dean has the disease because he's a dick? Really... no, really? WTF people?!!?! (2) We scare the ghost by putting him through the same torture that killed him. WHAT? Ugly. Ugly ugliness. Hated this episode.
Lesson Learned: Isn't it funny how these characters seem to take two steps forward and three steps back with every episode?
Wrap up: It seemed so awesome. We were going to fight the 60-whatever seals as Lilith opened them. Our boys had grown and would continue to grow. Only... we stopped. Hopefully the next two episodes on the second disk restore my faith. Sometimes the writing is just, well... not the best.
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